Tag Archives: Autowiring

Autowiring in Spring Framework

AutoWiring by Name (autowire=”byName“)


package com.saravanansivaji.spring;

public class MiniTriangle {

private Point pointA;
private Point pointB;
private Point pointC;

public Point getPointA() {
return pointA;
public void setPointA(Point pointA) {
this.pointA = pointA;
public Point getPointB() {
return pointB;
public void setPointB(Point pointB) {
this.pointB = pointB;
public Point getPointC() {
return pointC;
public void setPointC(Point pointC) {
this.pointC = pointC;

public void draw() {
System.out.println("Mini-Triangle drawn with the following points using AutoWire:");



<!-- MINI-SQUARE AREA Begins -->
<bean id="miniTriangle" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.MiniTriangle" autowire="byName"/>

<bean id="pointA" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point">
<property name="X" value="10"></property>
<property name="Y" value="10"></property>
<bean id="pointB" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point">
<property name="X" value="10"></property>
<property name="Y" value="20"></property>
<bean id="pointC" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point">
<property name="X" value="10"></property>
<property name="Y" value="40"></property>


From application file

ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring.xml");
MiniTriangle miniTriangle = (MiniTriangle) context.getBean("miniTriangle");

Upon execution, the output is

Mini-Triangle drawn with the following points using AutoWire:

So Spring does this autowiring “byName”, when the member variable names of the bean class matches with any of the bean id’s name in the spring configuration file. Spring looks for a bean with the same name as the property that needs to be autowired.

Bean id names should be unique in the spring configuration xml document.

AutoWiring by Type (autowire=”byType“)

Let I execute the above same code with little modification in the spring configuration file document,

Just changed the attribute autowire to “byType”


<!-- MINI-SQUARE AREA Begins -->
<bean id="miniTriangle" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.MiniTriangle" autowire="byType"/>

<bean id="pointA" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point">
<property name="X" value="10"></property>
<property name="Y" value="10"></property>
<bean id="pointB" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point">
<property name="X" value="10"></property>
<property name="Y" value="20"></property>
<bean id="pointC" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point">
<property name="X" value="10"></property>
<property name="Y" value="40"></property>


When we execute, we get the below spring exception,

Exception in thread “main” org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name ‘miniTriangle’ defined in class path resource [spring.xml]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through bean property

‘pointA’: : No unique bean of type [com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point] is defined: expected single matching bean but found 3: [pointA, pointB, pointC]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:

No unique bean of type [com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point] is defined: expected single matching bean but found 3: [pointA, pointB, pointC]

Autowiring by Type – allows a property to be autowired if exactly one bean of the property type exists in the container. If more than one exists, a fatal exception is thrown, which indicates that you may not use byType autowiring for

that bean. If there are no matching beans, nothing happens; the property is not set.

AutoWiring by Constructor (autowire=”constructor“)

Slightly modifying my bean class, removing all the setters as follows


package com.saravanansivaji.spring;

public class MiniTriangle {

private Point pointA;
private Point pointB;
private Point pointC;

public MiniTriangle(Point pointA, Point pointB, Point pointC) {
this.pointA = pointA;
this.pointB = pointB;
this.pointC = pointC;

public Point getPointA() {
return pointA;

public Point getPointB() {
return pointB;

public Point getPointC() {
return pointC;

public void draw() {
System.out.println("Mini-Triangle drawn with the following points using AutoWire-constructor:");


<!-- MINI-SQUARE AREA Begins -->
<bean id="miniTriangle" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.MiniTriangle" autowire="constructor"/>

<bean id="pointA" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point">
<property name="X" value="10"></property>
<property name="Y" value="10"></property>
<bean id="pointB" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point">
<property name="X" value="10"></property>
<property name="Y" value="20"></property>
<bean id="pointC" class="com.saravanansivaji.spring.Point">
<property name="X" value="10"></property>
<property name="Y" value="40"></property>


Mini-Triangle drawn with the following points using AutoWire-constructor:

Happy Coding 😀